loan Will Biden Forgive Students Loan? — Cremensugar

Pamela White
1 min readSep 21, 2022

Biden loan forgiveness is something many wouldn’t have dreamt of even in their wildest dream. It came as a welcome shock, especially to students who had to take out student loans but couldn’t pay them back. So when President Biden announced that he is going to forgive student loans

The government now estimates that there are trillions of dollars in outstanding student debts. Whether they are still enrolled in school or have dropped out, this is a serious problem for American students. Students from middle-class and lower-class backgrounds suffered more financially as a result of the pandemic.

They are unable to provide for their families by working and saving. It’s tough for them to build wealth, purchase houses and automobiles, start businesses, and put money away for retirement. Students who come from low-income backgrounds already have a tougher time making ends meet, therefore they are more likely to drop out of school. They don’t finish their degrees because they have to work to support themselves and pay back their student loans…Read More



Pamela White

I strongly believe in gaining experience and knowledge rather than just writing for the sake of creating content. Looking for more opportunities.