Thailand’s Best Thai Noodle Dishes — Cremensugar

Pamela White
Sep 7, 2022


If you are thinking about taking a trip to Thailand, the first thing you should do when you get there is found some Thai noodle shops because there are many different kinds of them in every city.

thai noodle

Thai Noodles And Its Varieties

Twisted noodles

This is commonly used for quick noodles, They are curly and yellow in color. They are also referred to as ramen and can be found in dishes like stir-fried noodles and noodle soup. Usually, it is prepared in a wok with oil, meats, and vegetables. These noodles are perfect because they can be made quickly. Cup noodle curry is also made from twisted noodlesRead More for Full Story



Pamela White

I strongly believe in gaining experience and knowledge rather than just writing for the sake of creating content. Looking for more opportunities.